woensdag 23 september 2009

G form Guineapig

Haha, it might sound weird, but I absolutely love guineapigs. I got my first one when I was seven years old and I've still got one called Little Lord Henry I.

Because of my love for guineapigs, I just received this little purse from a friend. Isn't it cute?

vrijdag 4 september 2009

Creative mood

Today I had a creative mood and made this drawing/collage based on the August issue of Nylon magazine.

I also made this Chanel inspired notebook, which even smells like Chanel parfume :) (even wanted to make some pearl beads at the end of the strings, but unfortunately they were to thick)

F from Fashion

Fashion is another big favorite. I have even studied Fashion & Design for a year, which I absolutely loved. Unfortunately I had to quit, because I did not have enough energy for it anymore and was completely fagged.
I love shopping a lot, and my latest purchase is this amazing leather jacket from the Dutch label Jack Rivet, The Cowboys Tailor.

E from England

England is one of my favorite countries, I don't know why, but I always feel at home immediately... I absolutely love the landscape with the variation of green tones and increadible trees! It is the home of my favorite city: London, packed with creativity and loads of different cultures.

One other reason is its cakes and other sweets; I don't know any other place (at least in Europe) where they have such a big selection of the most delicious things! Like this yummie scone:

donderdag 3 september 2009

D from Drawing

Drawing is one of my absolute favorite things to do.

I love to sit down with a nice cup of tea, something that contains chocolate, some nice music and loads of drawing material. For me drawing is one of the most relaxing things to do and one of the many ways to express my creativity.