zondag 11 april 2010

Vanilla flavoured madeleines

I have always loved madeleines. They always looked like such a chique and sophisticated kind of cake to me, but I never had the chance to make these French delicacies myself...until now.
My French neighbor let me borrow her special madeleine baking tin and I started looking for a recipe. The recipe I initially found was one with rose-buds (by Nigella Lawson). This did sound lovely, but unfortunately I did not have any rosewater or rose-buds. So instead of the rose-flavoured ones I decided to give the recipe a twist and make vanilla ones. I can't help to say, but they tasted amazing and as soon as I took a bite, I was sitting at a beautiful Paris based terrace.

makes 12 or 24 small ones

50 grams of butter
          - melted and cooled down
1 big egg
40 grams caster sugar
a pinch of salt
45 grams of flower
half a vanillapod
           - just the seeds (scrape them out with a knife)

Grease the tin with a tablespoon of the melted butter.
Mix the egg, sugar and salt for 5 minutes untill you have got a thick mixture with the texture of mayonaise. The sif the flower onto the mixture and carefully fold it in with a spatula. Pour in the melted butter and carefully fold this in as well.
Cover the bowl and put it into the fridge for an hour.
Preheat the oven at 220oC, gasmark 7.
Now get the bowl with the madeleine mixture out of the fridge, and let it rest for another 30 minutes at roomtemperature.
Pour about a tablespoon of the mixture into the molds. Do not worry about spreading the mixture out, because this will happen in the oven.
Put the tin into the oven and bake for about 5 minutes. Get them out of the oven and let them cool down on a wire rack.
Once they have coolded down they are ready to eat.
Enjoy them with a nice cup of tea and just imagine you are in Paris :)

I advise you to consume them on the day of preparation, because they tend to turn a bit dry and chewy.

2 opmerkingen:

soph // and other things zei

These look delightfully tasty! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Oh, and capsicums are another name for peppers :)

Emma zei

ow haha, that's good to know :)